We sometimes think and believe that self and personality is one and the same thing. We need to be sure that the self is not the personality. The person may have a good personality, but the self, which one hides through the personality, has little to do with the outer influences that one can have. Hiding the emotions and the feelings may make one have a good impression as a professional, but it never helps in our personal life.
We all have one point in common, and that is life. While sharing it we have the personal aspect as well. The personal share, which we have, needs special attention from the self and not from others, as usually we seem to believe in our interactions.
You see, others may not find the self and the kind of conscience level we have, which hinders our learning the art of creative communication to strengthen our human bonds and relationships. We may feel, but lack words and on the other hand, we can have words without feelings. It creates an emotional gap, which is more harmful than any other gap, such as the generation or gender gaps. It requires emotional maturity to be a creative communicator.
Here we can raise and solve a question: Is Writing Creative Communication? We all know the answer, and let us confirm what we believe:
Channeling higher energies & automatic writing
The Extraordinary - Automatic Writing
Yes, it is a part and the art of meditation, the creative communication with the universe
Meditation - Meet Your Guide Or Higher Self
However, it is not the meditation, but what we learn from it. We learn and master the Creative Communication with which we can be in commune with anyone and anything from self to the universe and beyond. Thus, the creative communication helps us to know about our level of conscience, which reveals the share that others have within as life. We start to feel what others think, feel, wish, seek, need and thus improve the personal relations with the self that others have, rather than interacting with the personality--the mask, that one uses to defend or project the self. For it, we may consider use of creative communication in the ancient times.
You see it is beauty of creativity that it is a dynamic, complex and multidimensional process, which we cannot confine to any special time; place, medium and person. Conceptual clarity and agreement is, therefore, lacking among authorities with regard to its nature and definition.
Yamamoto says characteristically that something people call an elephant is there--this much is sure. And all of us blind humans have been touching it, feeling it and describing it to each other, that is, some facts we agree among ourselves, on others we cannot even understand what each is trying to tell other, but it is precisely this amorphousness, which is the elephant creativity and thus not the creative communication.
Creativity is an infinite phenomenon and a person can be creative in an endless number of ways towards acquiring what we call genius. Creativity is a magic touch of the magic wand encompassing individual fulfillment and social good, as the inventions and discoveries. There are many classifications or schools of types of creativity, like that of Psychology and Philosophy.
The creativity is not such a common factor that we may ignore it. Self-study is a creative factor, and learning is useless if it is not an expression of our development. Creativity plays its great role in thinking, modes of social interaction, studies, working and playing.
Why we miss the creativity in communication is that we focus more on our personality development than the self-development. Just taking care of both is the master key to all arts, the art of living, and yes, including the Art of Creative Communication.
Thanks for your reading it!
Original article:
Philselfology: 15th in Series - Master the Art of Creative Communication - written by Dr. Harmander Singh on